Companies listed have provided sponsorship supporting the conference, with no input or control over the agenda, content creation, or speaker selection, except for their sponsored sessions.

Sessions titles and timings are subject to change and will be finalised closer to the time of the event

Registration and exhibition viewing
Recent developments in type 2 diabetes that could change your practice

This presentation picks up some evolving areas in the world of type 2 diabetes that will impact on Primary Care diabetes management. David will be covering the identification and management of prediabetes, lifestyle pathway to diabetes remission, the expanding role of SGLT2 inhibitors in cardiorenal diseases, and the advent of an oral GLP-1 receptor agonist and a dual GIP/GLP-1 receptor agonist for use in type 2 diabetes.

David Morris
Undergraduate Clinical Tutor
Keele University
Effective Contraceptive Counselling
Dr Caroline Cooper
GP Specialist in Sexual and Reproductive Healthcare, Cambridge

Morning break and Exhibition viewing
Advances in gynaecological cancers

Gynaecological malignancies account for approximately 11% of newly diagnosed cancers both nationally and globally, cervical, endometrial, and ovarian cancers rank among the most common cancers. Cervical and ovarian cancers, in particular, are notable causes of death worldwide. While most endometrial cancers are diagnosed at early stages, mortality rates have been increasing since 1997. The presentation will look at some of the pathways & innovative treatments in use and discuss some of their impact on the nursing workforce.

Esther Kuria MSc BSc (Hons)
Nurse Consultant Gynaecology
Guys & St Thomas NHS Trust
Greener Respiratory care and prescribing
Ravijyot Saggu
Medicines Optimisation Respiratory Pharmacist
Lunch and exhibition viewing

Please note, lunch will not be provided, however there are plenty of outlets near to the venue.

Endometriosis what you need to know

Introduction to Endometriosis;

  • Presenting symptoms; management, diagnosis, treatment options and care pathway.
  • What should be happening in Primary care.
  • What is happening to improve patient experience and access to support and symptom management.
Liz Bruen
Endometriosis CNS; NH;NS; SA
University Hospital of Wales Cardiff
Men’s Health: Primary Care with a purpose

Men’s engagement with primary care services is critically in addressing men’s health disparities. Evidence highlights those men, particularly those of working age, use primary care services significantly less frequently than women. This under use has profound implications, contributing to delayed diagnoses or missed opportunities for early intervention in critical conditions such as hypertension, diabetes and mental health disorders. The reluctance to seek care may stem from various factors, including cultural norms around masculinity, work-related time constraints and a lack of awareness or prioritisation of health. Addressing these barriers is essential to improve men’s health outcomes and reduce preventable morbidity and mortality.

Professor Ian Peate OBE FRCN
Editor in Chief
British Journal of Nursing
Afternoon break and exhibition viewing
The Red Face – Differential diagnosis and management for Facial Dermatoses

This presentation will look at recognition, differential diagnosis and management of six common facial skin conditions. Firstly, we will look at assessment in dermatology, clinical history and examination for recognition and diagnosis of facial skin conditions. Differential diagnosis and facial skin conditions discussed will include acne, rosacea, perioral dermatitis, seborrhoeic dermatitis, contact dermatitis and lupus erythematous. We will look at evidence-based management and holistic patient support, including quality of life issues and when patients should be referred to dermatology. This will be an interactive case-based learning presentation.

Julie Van Onselen
Dermatology Lecturer Practitioner
UK-wide, Check4Cancer Ltd, Oxford and Maidenhead; National Eczema Society, London
Closing remarks
Registration and exhibition viewing
Is Flu different post Covid?

Every year, seasonal influenza (‘flu) leads to significant morbidity with some populations (such as older adults, children, pregnant women and people who are clinically at risk) being disproportionately affected. ‘Flu vaccine has been shown to reduce both influenza infection rates and related complications. Whilst uptake increased during the COVID-19 pandemic, this uptake has not been sustained, with uptake in healthcare workers in particular dropping to an all time low. In this session we’ll explore some of the factors contributing to this decline – such as pandemic and vaccine fatigue, a reduced risk perception regarding influenza, resources shift to COVID reducing intention to receive routine vaccines and reduced accessibility to flu vaccines post pandemic. We’ll also look at some of the possible solutions to improve ‘flu vaccination uptake.

Dr Catherine Heffernan
Director of Health Improvement
Finding the Perfect Pair: Enhancing Quit Rates with Nicotine Combination Therapy

This session will empower healthcare providers to integrate combination NRT into their smoking cessation interventions, ultimately improving their quit outcomes. Traditional single-form Nicotine Replacement Therapy (NRT) has helped many smokers quit, but for individuals with high nicotine dependence, these approaches often fall short. Combination NRT has emerged as a game-changing strategy to address these challenges and significantly improve quit rates.

In this talk, attendees will:

• Discover the science behind combination NRT and its ability to provide sustained nicotine levels while addressing acute cravings.

• Learn practical application strategies, including how to assess patient needs, tailor combinations, and manage potential side effects.

Dr Alan Curley
Theraputic Director UC-MindSolution
UC-MindSolutions Ltd

Morning break and exhibition viewing
How to write for a nursing publication
Professor Ian Peate OBE FRCN
Editor in Chief
British Journal of Nursing
Multifaceted Challenges of Asthma Care

This session is sponsored by Chiesi and contains promotional content

Emma Rickards
Consultant Respiratory Nurse
Liverpool Heart & Chest Hospital

Lunch and exhibition viewing

Please note, lunch will not be provided, however there are plenty of outlets near to the venue.

Smoking cessation

Ren Lawlor
Advanced Nurse Practitioner, Academic Tutor
South East London Training Hub Director at The Good Practitioner - Education and Training
Developments in Vaccinations & Immunisations

Changes in vaccinations and immunisations occur very frequently. In addition, new requirements come in for General Practice and Pharmacists. This session aims to bring the delegates up-to-date with changes in vaccinations and immunisations.

Dr George Kassianos CBE
National Immunisation Lead RCGP, President British Global & Travel Health Association
Self employed
Afternoon break and exhibition viewing
Respiratory Conditions - Quick assessment and top tips

The session will look at other respiratory conditions that could be the answer to the common presenting symptoms of breathlessness, cough, wheeze etc including respiratory infections, and more chronic conditions. It will offer a quick rapid assessment of patients easily adaptable in everyday practice with some top tips. for everyday practice. Although common things occur commonly sometimes it can be something else.

Jane E Scullion
Independent Consultant Respiratory Nurse and Associate Expert Witness
Closing remarks