Please note: Companies listed have provided sponsorship supporting the conference, with no input or control over the agenda, content creation, or speaker selection, except for their sponsored sessions.

Welcome to Primary Care Nursing Live!

Primary Care Nursing Live will be taking place on Friday 7th March 2025 at Convene 155 Bishopsgate!

PCN Live provides education on the key health issues affecting primary care today. The aim of the event is to help everyone who delivers healthcare in primary care to do so confidently. We have devised a programme that will engage you and give practical ideas to reinforce your clinical skills in a diverse range of topics.

Who's this event for?

Primary care Nurses, Nurse Consultants, Community Nurses, Directors Of Nursing, District Nurses, All Other Nurses With An Interest In Primary Care, Lecturers, Industry Representatives.

Brought to you by Practice Nursing and Independent Nurse, PCN Live is the leading educational event for primary care nurses, providing insightful sessions on key issues in primary care.

*This event is in-person ONLY and will NOT be streamed virtually or on-demand.


Convene 155 Bishopsgate

This venue features a sophisticated design and is meant to serve as the perfect backdrop for inspiring networking and collaboration.

It is in close proximity to Liverpool Street station and offers nearby paid parking. 

Convene 155 Bishopsgate,
Liverpool Street,
City of London,